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Why is Australian Sheepskin perfect for ugg boots?

Posted on by Jason Su

Australia has a long history in the sheep and wool industry, dating back to the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 when the first Merino sheep were brought over. Although the early settlers faced numerous challenges in successfully maintaining their sheep population, eventually areas of New South Wales and Victoria proved to be perfect for sheep farming.

Eventually this paved the way for the invention of the ugg boot right here in Australia although, as we know, the exact details for this are a little contentious!

One thing we do know for certain is that Australian sheepskin is perfect for making warm, cozy and high quality uggs. Let’s find out why.

Australian sheepskin is a naturally occurring insulation

A sheep’s skin and wool is nature’s ultimate insulator against the depths of cruel winter. This makes it the perfect option for your ugg boots. In addition, wool is breathable and serves to remove moisture from your skin whilst keeping you nice and warm.

Australian sheepskin is easy to look after 

Making sure you care for any sheepskin product, including your ugg boots, is essential to ensure that you get maximum comfort and lifetime.

By keeping your uggs dry and cleaning them quickly by hand, you will reap the benefits of your quality Australian sheepskin boots.

Industry standards

Buying Australian made sheepskin products means you are supporting a regulated industry with the highest standards of animal welfare in place throughout the entire process.

Sadly, we see reports all the time about the barbaric treatment of animals for their skin, including dogs in some foreign countries.

Buying Australian sheepskin is vital to maintain safe standards in the manufacturing of any sheepskin and related products.

Australian sheepskin is just one of the many reasons we count ourselves lucky to live in such a wonderful part of the world.

Check out the fabulous range of men’s and women’s uggs in our safe and secure online store or get in touch at for more information. 

Feature Image: Pexels